Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is applicable to all activities of Bruised Moons by QiQi visuals including printmedia, social media and internet.

By visiting you agree that we keep information related to you (personal data) in accordance with the conditions of this Privacy policy. QiQi visuals respects your privacy and carefully processes your personal data.

When you visit our website and create an account and/or place an order, we ask you to provide us with personal information such as name, address, city, e-mail address and (mobile) phone number.

QiQi visuals your personal data to carry out the orders placed by you. By accepting this Privacy policy you also grant us the right to use the personal information submitted by you to provide you with information tailored to your profile. In addition, you grant us the right to use your personal data to send you marketing material such as special offers, invites for activities and a digital newsletter. You can opt out for these at any time.

The personal data are stored in accordance with current technical security standards. The database with personal data is only accessible for QiQi visuals as far as necessary to enable them to carry out tasks that fall within their job description and for third parties involved by QiQi visuals to carry out the services and products offered Bruised Moons by QiQi visuals.

It is your own responsibility to timely submit any changes in your personal data. QiQi visuals is not liable, save for willful misconduct or gross negligence, for inaccuracies or any consequences of activities carried out on the basis of personal data not timely corrected.

To unsubscribe  from any e-mail messages you can also click the unsubscribe link underneath your e-mail message.

This Privacy policy is last amended on 28 July 2021